7 Αυγ 2017

Funiculus umbilicalis.


I don't get what is wrong with these people.
Yesterday they buried me again for the tenth time in a row this year.
I am failing better, exactly like Beckett said only opposite.
Failing to convince them that I am still alive
every time I am swimming back amongst the living,
but they say no, no, put her back in, she is gone for good,
can't you see?
she is not even watching the news anymore
charging her mastercard
buying a television
or googling Ibiza.

Maybe it's my eyes that keep confusing them,
(the way I am keeping them off my face,
locked in this jolly secret box here)
Maybe it's the fact I haven't said yes to anything for months
Only asking why, why, why -
no affirmations,
no attempts to cut the ambivalence cord.
(They say "she is half born, half unborn;
let's decorate life with her present absence".)

Wikipedia is informing me, calmly,
with its business voice you can't say no to,
that in placental mammals,
the umbilical cord also called the navel string,
birth cord or funiculus umbilicalis,
is a conduit between the developing embryo and the placenta.
Who gives a fuck if the fetal heart pumps
deoxygenated, nutrient-depleted blood through
the umbilical arteries back to the placenta?
The adult heart pumps add to cart.
